WIPO's Competent International Searching Authority and Preliminary Examining Authorities for nationals and residents of Lao PDR:
Business development services (BDS)
Business development services (BDS)
Resources provided by Skills Commons (https://www.skillscommons.org):
Business development services (BDS)
Publications and PSD websites:
Private sector development (PSD)
The ILO on:
Private sector development (PSD)
ILO's 'Improve Your Business' materials:
Private sector development (PSD)
PSD and gender issues:
Private sector development (PSD)
Website resources and downloadable guides:
Private sector development (PSD)
EU-FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade):
Issues relating to trade
Information for Lao companies seeking to export to Europe:
Issues relating to trade
EU's key regulations on organic products:
Issues relating to trade
Information for Lao companies seeking to export coffee and food products to the US:
Issues relating to trade
International Coffee Organisation:
Issues relating to trade
Issues relating to trade
Lao PDR trade portal:
Issues relating to trade
Lao PDR trade in services portal:
Issues relating to trade
Voluntary standards in Laos:
Issues relating to trade
Third country trade portals and information repositories:
Issues relating to trade
Laos and the World Trade Organisation (WTO):
Issues relating to trade
Laos and ASEAN:
Issues relating to trade
Purchasing managers' indices (monthly) for a range of export markets:
Issues relating to trade
Some providers of trade finance in Laos:
Issues relating to trade
International timber trade portal:
Issues relating to trade
Thailand's Food and Drug Administration:
Issues relating to trade
Tourism in the Mekong:
Issues relating to trade
Premier international and regional trade fairs and expos:
Issues relating to trade
Trade finance explained:
Issues relating to trade
UNCTAD's BioTrade Initiative:
Issues relating to trade
World Customs Organisation:
Issues relating to trade
Food and drug administrations for select export markets:
Issues relating to trade